We all know that
Hajj and
Eid ul-Adhaa have nothing in common.
"What! Nought in common?! Is this guy nuts?!"
That was the initial reaction by one such 'brother'. He clearly was not pleased. But I went on to say, "...that
Eid ul-Adhaa falls before the
Hajj, historically, second year of the
Hijrah and the ninth year of the
Hijrah, respectively, and that
Eid ul-Adhaa is only for the non-Hajjis, not for the Hajjis."
Before I could present them with any documentary proof, their 'lead missionary' whispered, "
Bid`ah!" and walked away hurriedly, his trousers half-way up his calves, followed by the younger 'trainee missionaries'.
'They won't come back, they never do... not to my place.' I thought to myself.
People, these days, do not seem to have time to study facts, they search for the truth yet that does not set them free. Rather, it binds them ever more tightly into their 'own' world of 'puritan' Islam, a tunnel-vision which they have carved for themselves from the remnants of break-away bigotry. The culprit is a self-centred, egoistic 'thing' known as the '
nafs'. Bad is good, wicked is better, evil is better still and that guy over there is a Bid`ati because he does not share our belief and he does not bare his ankles.
When one proposes positive modes of thinking and fresh strategies in combating atheistic and polytheistic values within Muslim societies, "Bid`ah!" is the outcry. Bid`ah is not a new word and nor is it uncommon, yet its application by 'Muslims' against 'Muslims' is fashionable.
Blatant attempts to undermine Islamic values by Muslims themselves are on the increase (
www.savethehijaz.org), yet local communities, pockets rather, of Muslims seem oblivious as to how their very fabric is snipped away, little by little, in an environment that is ever-increasing its onslaught of hatred and hostility. We struggle even to unify on something as simple, yet fundamentally important, as the sighting of a new moon. The enemy above sees this 'pathetic' move by the enemy within, and the former strikes.
Islam is so simple, yet we make it appear so difficult, as if it is a punishment from God!
Our youth are confused, our children are afraid and our elderly are frustrated.
It is about time we all sat down and addressed this issue, once and for all, at least here in the UK. When the Book, the Traditions, the Scholars and the astronomers are here to guide us, so what, then , is all the fuss about?
We like to follow the
Fataawaa of our Shaykhs and Grand-Shaykhs, yet we ignore them in moon matters. (Are we, meaning 'they', yet insatiable with petrodollars?... just a thought.)
There were many methods that we could have adapted in order to unify ourselves, if 'they' wanted to unite themselves with the 'majority' of the
Universal moonsighting could have easily been accepted had not the new moon a potential twenty-eight day universal cycle.
The fixation of a lunar calendar could have been resorted to, had not the Messenger of God
peace be upon him not encouraged us to physically sight the new moon
(Muslim H.1806, Bukhari H.1780, Nasa'i H.2111, Abu-Dawood H.1975).Non-local moonsighting could have been accepted had not the traditions and the scholars opposed it
(Muslim H.1819, Tirmidhi H.629, Nasa'i H.2084, Abu-Dawood H.1985, Musnad Ahmad H.2653 Dar-qutni H.2234).The celebration of
Eid ul-Adhaa falls on a specific day, one date in the
Hijri lunar calendar, and it is that date that we, the Muslims, anticipate.
Our lunar month is determined by the sighting of the moon or by the completion of thirty days of the current month, and that too with respect to our locality. The cities of Makkah and Madeenah, for instance, always sought their own new-moons and never relied on the sightings of one another.
We do not fast on the last day of Sha'baan and neither do we force upon ourselves an artificial Eid ul-Fitr, an Eid that ceases to exist, on the 30th day of Ramadaan!)
We fear God and we fear his wrath. We are yet not strong enough to challenge His might, so how dare we amend His laws, reject His divine mercy and divert His people from the path to Paradise.
Please visit the following links for an in-depth explanation of this non-cultural, anti-traditional trend that is threatening Islam from
muslim-canada.org/eid_al_adha.htmlwww.ummah.net/hajj/oa_hajj.htmlwww.hilalcommittee.com/articles/article14.htmlwww.islamicmoon.com/Moonsighting%20Which%20Eid.htmwww.irfi.org/articles/articles_251_300/eid_ul_adha_confusion.htmwww.islam.tc/ask-imam/view.php?q=3428Due to the apprehension of a very lengthy article, I shall end here.
We all know that there is no real problem here at all. If only we side with God, things will turn out quite nicely for us all.